
Media Report Preparing Course in Idlib

Achieve Your Dream For Training and Capacity Building launched “Media Reports Preparing”. The training targeted 20 citizens journalist trainees. The training included written reports preparing, editing, photo report preparing and television report preparing by using (adobe premiere) program.  It considered an intensive course lasted for five days every day includes

Raising Awareness About Child Protection As a Basic Human Right

As part of their work in child protection. Hurras Network is conducting regular awareness campaigns for children.  Hurras Network launched “Every Day I’m Dreaming” campaign. The campaign aimed to raise awareness about the child’s rights in general. Such the right to get a name and nationality, the right to get

In Depth Stories

You Are Where Your Effect Is

As part of its objective to empower women and working to reduce the gender gap in the Syrian community. Souryana Alamal Team launched “You are where your effect is” project in Aleppo. The project started in September 2019 and will finish end of February 2019. The project aims to empower

Stories from Idlib

Syria Banksy Campaign

As the eighth anniversary of the Syrian revolution approaches, Kesh Malek Organization launches the Syria Banksy Campaign. The campaign is named after one of the most influential street artists in the world, Banksy, whose artwork is known for tackling sensitive political, ethical, cultural, and humanity related issues, and carrying inspiring

Youth Empowerment as part of Community Development

Within its community development program, Space of Hope Organization launched Hazim project. The project started in October 2018 and still running until now. The project aims to provide pieces of training for the youth in general. Besides focusing on the displaced youth. During the last three months, the project reached



Syria Banksy Campaign

As the eighth anniversary of the Syrian revolution approaches, Kesh Malek Organization launches the Syria Banksy Campaign. The campaign is named after one of the most influential street artists in the world, Banksy, whose artwork is known for tackling sensitive political, ethical, cultural, and humanity related issues, and carrying inspiring