A Dream Comes True

The chance of finishing academic achievement is the biggest challenge in Northern Syria. For most female and male youth. And the consequent from it is Increasing in the unemployment rate. Especially with the limited opportunities available in the instability in the region.

Working as a reporter for one of news stations in Idlib province till mid-2016 was a dream for Jamil Al Hasan. – one of Kaffrnabl city residence-. He joined the first training course in media conducted by Achieve Your Dream Center for Training and Capacity-Building. In a time where any chance for formal or alternative education had disappeared.

Achieve your dream center founded earlier in 2016 in Kaffarnbel city southern Idlib by Union of Revolutionary Bureaus. URB aimed to build the capacity of youth cadres in various work fields for free. “I applied for a specialized course in preparing television reports as soon I saw the center announcement. Which motivated me more the chance of a job opportunity for the superiors student in the session. I got the first ranking which gave me the chance to be a reporter for local radio station Fresh. And I earned more experience to become now field reporter for Orient news station’’ Jamil Al Hasan.

The center consists of four people at the managerial positions. with remuneration salaries- presented by  Union of Revolutionary Bureaus. Besides a number of specialized trainees. And included two training halls equipped with necessary equipment. The halls have the capacity of 25 trainers in each of them. The center since its opening. “Launched Ten free educational sessions. The sessions helped in youth development to catch the local job market. In media and photography sectors, video editing and design. Along with project management and human resources. As well as child protection, women empowerment, advocacy, and evaluation.” As Abdulrahman Ismail the center manager said.

The center’s management works on choosing the sessions subjects according to hob market needs. Represented by organizations and working bodies vacancies in Northern Syria. The number of graduated trainees since its opening were 2000 trainees. 300 of them could get job opportunity in different sectors. “We strengthen our department with special young women graduated from Achieve Your Dream Center. In journalism and radio editing field. Our current cadre consists of twenty young women distributed between reports, editors, and broadcasters”. Hiba Alaboud –women news department chief in radio fresh

Achieve Your Dream Center faced financial crises due to the funding cut. This caused the center to stop it from work for seven months. Same as most of the voluntary initiatives in Northern Syria. which are working to improve the living and educational reality for Syrians inside. The center returned to its work after securing operational costs for most advanced sessions in specialized conflict journalism and case management sessions.

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