Human rights & Gender-based violence – Idlib

“Release Me” organization launched multiple training courses. These trainings are part of a complete rehabilitation program at its centers in Idlib. The program is targeting female detention survivals and gender-based violence victims.

“Human rights & Gender-based violence” was the subject of the first training. And targeted 25 female trainers from Idlib. While the second training focused on shapes, reasons, and results of violence. This training targeted 15 female trainers. The third training subject was “Advocacy Skills”. this training targeted 30 female political detention survivals. To empower them to become advocates for their causes.

Release Me Organization deals with survivors of detention and torture in general and works to rehabilitate them and enable them to be able to engage in society and turn them into effective people who can rely on themselves in conditions of war, detention and the absence of the breadwinner in most cases.

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