Building A Syrian Foster for Civil Society Organizations Maarret Alnuman

After many dialogue sessions, and under the supervision of Creative center in Maarret Al numan southern Idlib. with the presence of the local council representatives in the city. Alongside with the teachers union and several civil organizations. "Syrian Creative foster" was created as an initial organizational structure. The structure included displaced women from different places in Syria.

Building A Sytian Foster for Civil Society Organizations Maarret Alnuman2

Creative center manager -Ms. Rasha Aladel said. "at the beginning, a preparational meeting organized to put the basic points. And to create an office for each province. These offices supervised by women to reach their voices in all local communities. This step came to expand the foster beyond Maarret Al numan".

Building A Sytian Foster for Civil Society Organizations Maarret Alnuman3

During the sessions, the attendance agreed on putting preparation of plans to build the capacity of the staff. To be able to support and empower displaced women and children. Besides working on empowering women to enter the job market in all sectors. To be independent financially. And be able to deliver the voice and requirements of each community on its own.

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