Building Capacity of the Civil Society Staff

Aiming to build the capacity of the humanitarian organizations. And develop the potential of their staff, and raise the general level of knowledge in the community especially the youth. These organizations launched several training and activities to reach this goal.

Building capacity of the civil society staff3

Changemakers center” in the town of Kafr Nabel. Conducted an advocacy and lobbying exercises in three phases.  The exercises took place from 22 September to 23 October. And targeted 40 trainees both males and females of various staff working in civil society organizations. Due to the importance of the subject in the field of their work. And to explain the correct ways to reach decision makers.

In Ma'aret Anouman “Cham Educational Center” launched a monitor & Evaluation training. Targeted 25 trainees from both genders through 30 training hours. The value of training _according to the center_  that it is the most available requested position by institutions working in the humanitarian and relief. And being an integral part of the process of project management and implementation.

Building capacity of the civil society staff

Principles of photography and methods of documenting activities in the humanitarian field workshop. The workshop supervised by Abdullah Sweid. A reporter and data collector at Glimpse magazine at Kesh Malek Organization. The workshop targeted 12 trainees from the media staff in Women Empowerment Office in the town of Hass and Baskala, as well as Al-Umniyat Center in the town of Kafaroma.

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