Building the capacity of the NGO workers and staff

As part of “Dama Gather” policy to reinforcing the team ability before any project launching in western Idlib suburb. Dama center conducted “Merging and Social Leadership’’  course. The course attended by 13 Dama team members.

Part of the Training

The course included several topics. The most important ones were (how to create a team, management definition, what is the alternative cost, team leader definition, the difference between community and group). The project aimed to develop the community work connected skills and leadership based on scientific methodology. besides the tools to activate the communities and its empowering.

“before we launch any project we do many pieces of training for our team. We work now on three projects. The first is psychological Support for children for 7 months. The second is society merging for 8 months. And the third non-violence education for 7 months’’ Said Muntaha Abdulrahman. One of Dama Gather Centers Manager.

Dama” is an independent feminist gather. Established in 2013. Believes in women role and her responsibilities in the peace process. And human building works in Syria.

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