Raising Awareness About Child Protection As a Basic Human Right

As part of their work in child protection. Hurras Network is conducting regular awareness campaigns for children.  Hurras Network launched “Every Day I’m Dreaming” campaign. The campaign aimed to raise awareness about the child’s rights in general. Such the right to get a name and nationality, the right to get […]

Developing Education Sector in Suran city

As part of its work on upgrading the educational performance for all educational level before university. And invest the in human energy to build the community of knowledge. The Directorate of education in Suran city launched a training course in management and computer skills. The course targeted the schools’ managers […]

Enabling Small and Medium projects Role in Economic Development

Faculty of Economics at “International Sham University” conducted a training workshop entitled Small and medium projects management”. The workshop managed by DR. Oukba Alissa a teacher in the management department at the university and DR. Yasser Alhasan the dean of the faculty of economics. The workshop attended by a number […]

Working to Find a solution for Forcibly Displaced people in The Refugees’ Camps

The Stabilization committee incorporation with 30 local and international organizations, launched a workshop in the Syrian interim government headquarter in Azaz, Aleppo.  As part of their solidarity campaign with camps residents launched earlier this year. The workshop aimed to discuss ways to support the refugees and forcibly displaced in Northern […]

Developing The Literary Writings in Northern Syria

Woman Literary Association launched its first local activity. By holding a seminar in Mareet Al Numan, southern Idlib. To identify the association and the reasons for its establishment. The association established by a group of women writers. In order to access the literary products in liberated Northern Syria. To collect […]

Highlighting Forced Disappearance Crimes in Syria

Kesh Malek Organization launched in “A Country’s Identity” cultural centers in Oureem Alkoubra, Kfrnaha, Alabzimo, and Maree in Aleppo suburbs, a cultural week discussing “forced disappearance”. The activity aims to highlight the difficulties that face the survivals from political detention in coming back to their normal life. And enabling their […]

The Constitution’s Role in Local Political Empowerment

A Glimpse of Hope Organization in cooperation with MIDMAR institution in Idlib launched a workshop about constitution role in political empowerment framework in the society. To reach political educated society able to participate and to promote with reality. Especially in the next stage which will be full of political events. […]