“A Glimpse of Hope” Raising awareness about People with Special Needs

Sanabel Al Amal Association in cooperation with the Syrian Federation for Special Sports launched Al Amal Olympic for special needs. As part of “Hamset Al Amal” project which aims to highlight the rights’ of the people with special needs. And works to integrate with society as active members. The project […]

New tactics in Campaigning and Advocacy

New Breath Organization in cooperation with Ghuras Al Amal volunteer team launched training course entitled  “New tactics in Campaigning and Advocacy”. Due to the increased number of causes that should be highlighted in Syrian liberated areas. Along with raising community participation in effecting policy formulation in all sectors. The training […]

So We Won’t Forget Al Assad Crimes Art Exhibitions

Ahmad Al Najjar School launched in Maree Northern Aleppo, an art exhibition for children. The project aimed to reflect and highlight the Syrian regime crimes. The exhibition entitled “So We Won’t Forget Al Assad Crimes’’. After all the destruction and demographic changes. The exhibition included plenty of artwork done by […]

Constitution and Constitutional Committees Seminar

Mosaic Center launched a dialogue seminar about the constitution and constitutional committees. In cooperation with Syrian Women Gather. In Maarat al Numaan city northern Idlib. The seminar aimed to empower women politically. And increase her participation in the next political life. As Ms. Huda Al Srjawi – the seminar supervisor […]

Displaced and Camps Resident Solidarity Campaign

The Stabilization committee launched displaced and camps resident solidarity campaign. Forty organizations participated in the campaign. The campaign aimed to highlight the daily life in the camps. And demanded from the Syrian stakeholders to find a practical solution for the people in the camps. As they live in the lowest […]

Empowering Women Role in Community Cohesion

Within its project to promote community cohesion and women’s participation in this field.The Women’s Support Unit in cooperation with Atlas Relief and Development International. organized a training course for women in the city of Kibasin-western Aleppo, on social conflict management. As part of the public project which began in December […]

Why Not Project a Great Effort for Women Empowerment

Anemone Organization concluded the third stage of its project “Why Not”. By graduating 25 female trainees in Muraeet Alnouman southern Idlib. After getting a full packet of various training in TOT, monitoring and evaluation accounting and others. “Why Not” project launched by the organization four months ago. And will continue […]

Say It Out Loud Initiative

“I Am She Organization” concluded violence against women initiative. By organizing a  conference in Ihsem town in Idlib entitled “Say it out loud”. The initiative was launched in Northern Syria. Aimed to highlight and define violence types and its practices against women. During the conference, the organizers presented the results […]