Making the Education an entertaining Activity

As part of the summer activities. NuDay Organization opened a laboratory of physics and chemistry. The laboratory carried out by the “Future Generation” school for females. Which is one of the organization projects in Sarmada city, Idlib. Summer stage includes scientific activities and sports. In which students spend their summer […]

Mothers of Detainees The Unforgettable Suffering

The Day After Organization organized a dialogue session in the city of El-Bab in the Northen Aleppo suburbs. The theme of the session was “Mothers of Detainees”. With the presence of a number of representatives of civil society organizations and local and revolutionary organizations and councils working in the city. […]

“Youth Citizens Club” Empowering Youth in Aleppo

Kesh Malek Organization launched “Youth Citizens Club” at  A Country’s Identity Centres in Aleppo. The first phase is trainings for youth from both genders. The trainings included small project suggestion workshop, advocacy, and community participation. The trainings aim to increase skills for the youth in the club to enable them […]

Short Movies & photography competitions – Idlib

Within the Multimedia training program in Idlib. at “Janudiyat Fingerprint” the organization included “Short Movies & photography” competition. Besides the competitions, the program included photography, design, and video editing workshops, targeting the youth from both genders. And aiming to increase the community cohesion and equal opportunities in all work spheres. […]

Make it Green, Make it Safe

The campaign included many educational and environmental activities. Such as educational cadres, collecting trash, and planting trees around schools, and camps. Besides awareness activities, about personal hygiene, cities cleaning, and prevention from some common diseases. Watan organization launched “Make it Green, Make it Safe” campaign in Idlib. With the participation […]

Women Activists Empowerment

“The civil center for communication and services.” in North Aleppo, launched various workshops, targetıng active women activists in the civil society. The workshops included many topics about transitional justice and its experiences around the world. Transparency and accountability and how to implement them in local councils, Besides brainstorming and dialogue […]