Building the Capacity of Educational Cadre

Olive Branch Organization launched a pack of training and courses in several areas in northern Syria. The courses included training and capacity building for more than 50 male and female teachers. As part of the organization’s aims to open new training centers. To help children obtaining their right in education. […]

Female Youth Fingerprint

Sham Association in cooperation with Mercy with No Limits organization launched a training project. The project lasted for three months. As part of  “Youth Fingerprint” club activities. The project targeted dropped out girls school. Ms. Mahasen Mustafa – executive director of Sham Association. -“The project’s training aims to develop communication […]

First Syrian Tribes Council Meeting

First constituent conference for Syrian Tribes and Clans Council held in Sajo in Aleppo. 125 tribe participated in the conference in end of December 2018 The conference included the nobles and representatives from all tribes. From different affiliations Arabs, Turkmens, Kurds, Syriac, and others. Along with political leaders from The […]

Launching a Scout Team in Northern Aleppo

Spring of Life Association launched “scouts” project. As a new method in education through practical application. The project came as a part of the association work in the intensive educational field. And integrating the educational process with entertaining activities. To make it easy to absorb away from the rigid theories. […]

Closure Threatening The only Special Needs Center in Ourem

A single initiative to build and equip “Special Needs Center in Ourem Alkoubra“. The initiative came from Mahmoud Al Shami who belongs himself to the people with special needs. It saw the light through the local council in Ourm alkobra, Aleppo. With the support of “Social Safty & Justice’’ project […]

Raising Awareness about Law & Legal Issues

Free Syrian Lawyers Gathering launched a number of lectures and law seminars. In order to raise the legal and rights cultural. Especially for women in small communities. The project conducted in cooperation with Women Empowerment Office in Has Town Idlib. Where the jurist Nasra Al Araj conducted a seminar at […]

Building A Syrian Foster for Civil Society Organizations Maarret Alnuman

After many dialogue sessions, and under the supervision of Creative center in Maarret Al numan southern Idlib. with the presence of the local council representatives in the city. Alongside with the teachers union and several civil organizations. “Syrian Creative foster” was created as an initial organizational structure. The structure included […]

Gender Based Violence Conference in Idlib

Within its activity 16 days campaign to eliminate violence against women. Ihsan for Relief and Development organized a conference gathered all the workers in the field of gender-based violence (GBV) in Azaz city, Aleppo. The conference attended by 100 women. Represented all the organization that cares in women protection in […]