Stadium & Electronic Library Within Youth Support Project

Rehabilitating the Ariha city stadium and the women electronic library inside Abido school for girls. Were the results of the “Support Youth” project. The project launched by Olive Branch Organization in Ariha city southern Idlib. The project started by targeting 16 boys and girls and train them on bits of […]

Seminar During the International Campaign for Eliminating the Violence Against Women

Within 16 days of the international campaign to eliminate violence against women. Syrian women’s association Launched a dialogue seminar about violence against women. The seminar held the slogan “Be your strength secret”. At Wishes center in Kafaroum,Idlib. The seminar supervised by Ms. Wadad Rahal. A human rights activist and Syrian […]

Support Them & don’t deprive them of their Right to learn

Sadad Organization launched an educational campaign carried the slogan. “Support them and don’t deprive them of their right to learn”.  The campaign started in mid-September with the beginning of the academic year in southern Idlib suburbs. First campaign activities covered 300 kid in three schools at Kafrmous and Krmasa areas. […]

Land and Property Rights Awareness Project

“Land and Property Rights” is a legal awareness conducted by Spirit organization. The project aimed to raise social awareness about the rights of properties and housing. According to the organization, The project will contribute to reducing the conflict between forced displaced communities and host communities in north-western Syria.   The […]

Media and Journalism Role in Syrian Revolution

A number of activities and workers in the journalism and media field. Launched a seminar in the cultural center in Alraei town northern Aleppo. The seminar subject was “The importance of media in the Syrian revolution”. The Seminar focused on the essential role that the media in spreading and highlighting […]