Video Games is it Bad? Awareness Session in Sakaker Center

After the noticed increase in using electronic communication devices. and games until it becomes an addiction in the 20th century.  Is the reason that pushed the protection team at Child Care foundation at Sakaker center.  in Kafranabl, Idlib. To conduct an awareness session for children on the rational use of […]

Raising the Political Awareness at Sinjar Camp

Damma Organization conducted political educational session for Women in Sinjar camp. In coordination with women’s office in the local council of Ma’rat misrin. Aimed to raise awareness and political culture. The two days sessions targeted forced displaced women. Besides women working in the education sector. These sessions conducted within the […]

Empower the Women Fingerprint in Journalism and Media

Spirit Organization launched a qualitative project aimed to support and enhance the capabilities of women inside Syria. Through a series of advanced training programs in the journalism and media. To empower the participated women to secure their own income as media and communication specialists at the end of the project. […]

The Impact of Female youth in Developing Communities

Women’s and Childcare Office in Mar’ayan village, in Idlib. Concluded the work of Female Youth Community Club. The club carried the slogan “You are The Life and The Peace”. The final activity was a seminar about “Early Marriage”. The seminar covered the physical and psychological harm of early marriage on […]

Discussing the Issues of Forced Displaced people

The office of Ihsem town. -one of the branches of Women’s and child care offices in Jabal Alzawia, Idlib-. In cooperation with The Day After organization established a seminar on forced displacement. The seminar attended by 20 displaced women from different regions in Syria. The topics of the seminar focused […]

Empower The Student Mental Abilities

We raise by since foundation in Ma’art alnuman city in Idlib province. Is conducting a training course in the mental computation for children. To provide these children with new skills and strengthen their mental and intellectual abilities. The course consists of 20 training hours divided into 45 days. And targeting […]

Political Dialogue “The latest political developments in the Syrian revolution”

Future Vision Organization in Maarat al-Numaan city southern suburbs of Idlib. Organized a political dialogue seminar named. “The latest political developments in the Syrian revolution”. Aimed to create a certain level of political awareness in the Syrian society. Besides informing the activists and civil organizations about political affairs. The four-hour […]

Building Capacity of the Civil Society Staff

Aiming to build the capacity of the humanitarian organizations. And develop the potential of their staff, and raise the general level of knowledge in the community especially the youth. These organizations launched several training and activities to reach this goal. “Changemakers center” in the town of Kafr Nabel. Conducted an […]

Self-education a New Solution for Better Future

A modern educational project called “Self-Education” launched by the Olive Branch Organization with the aim of empowering and enabling students from 7 to 17 years old of basic science and basic knowledge. In addition to students who passed this age without completing their education “The idea of self-education project is […]