Children Not Workers

After the Syrian revolution and the brutal response from Alassad regime and his allies. Many families lost their only breadwinners. Due to the brutal shelling or the arbitrary detention and enforced disappearance. These circumstances led to a large number of drooped out students. After they started working in an attempt to ensure simple income to their families. These numbers are expanding day after day. Causing these children to lose their rights and be exposed to psychological, verbal or physical abuse.

As part of the “Children Not Workers” project. Violet Organization launched a sports entertainment activity in Idlib entitled “It Is My Right To Learn’’. The activity targeted 50 working children. In order to highlight the child labor phenomenon and its risk on both child and society. And work to reduce this phenomenon and return the children to their school desks.

The activity consisted of a mini football championship. Four teams from Mureet Alnouman, Armanaz and Idlib city participated. Along with entertainment carnival game and Karate. The activity concluded by distributing prizes to the winning teams. And individual prizes on distinguished children.

The organization will continue “children not workers” project. By awareness and physiological support for parents about children labor phenomenon and its risks. Besides to coordinating with organizations in order to hold meetings in Northern Syria. To find an effective mechanism to reduce this phenomenon.

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