Developing Education Sector in Suran city

As part of its work on upgrading the educational performance for all educational level before university. And invest the in human energy to build the community of knowledge. The Directorate of education in Suran city launched a training course in management and computer skills. The course targeted the schools’ managers in the city and its suburbs.

Part of the Audience

The course discussed many points starting with the management concept. Along with the management skills and successful manager qualities. And the school management problems and suggested solutions for it. Besides the student and schools’ problems and its types and solutions.

The course that included 75 trainees also worked on building the capacity of the managers in computer skills from beginner level. And finally, there were two dialogues to define the office files. The course aimed to raise managerial efficiency and help them to promote and upgrade the educational level.

This course got positive interaction between the receivers (managers) and the lecturer. Also, they discussed all the matters that the presented discussion axis addressed. The course was considered the first stage in the right direction. Directorate of education in Suran is working on establishing new training and workshops for all teachers and management in the city and its suburbs. Beside enrich the directorate with specialized training cadres. Also preparing to launch a teacher’s course in both English and Turkish languages.

Part of the audience

Directorate of education in Suran city founded at the end of 2016. And is supervising 58 education institutions work distributed within Suran and its suburbs. The directorate is providing high-quality education for all students in all education levels before university. As one of the basic human rights. And also supervise all affiliated schools and determine its educational, human resources, facilities, furniture, and equipment’s they need.

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