Displaced and Camps Resident Solidarity Campaign

The Stabilization committee launched displaced and camps resident solidarity campaign. Forty organizations participated in the campaign. The campaign aimed to highlight the daily life in the camps. And demanded from the Syrian stakeholders to find a practical solution for the people in the camps. As they live in the lowest life standers.

The campaign started on the third of this January. By organizing a stand of solidarity in participation with activists and media points inside in the camps. Distributed in the north of Syria, from Jarablous Aleppo suburb to Khrbet AlJoz in Idlib. The stand Affirmed the right of the displaced people to return to their villages and cities and get better life. Among with distributing some aids for displaced people.

The campaign is continuing until achieving its goals. To reach a better life for people in camps. The next days will include different activities in cooperation with actors in the region.

The Stabilization committee is part of Aleppo Free Council. Founded in November 2015. Works basically to support the local councils and create new local councils. And build their capacity through interaction projects.

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