Empowering Women Role in Community Cohesion

Within its project to promote community cohesion and women’s participation in this field.The Women’s Support Unit in cooperation with Atlas Relief and Development International. organized a training course for women in the city of Kibasin-western Aleppo, on social conflict management. As part of the public project which began in December  2018 and continues until March 2019.

The project targeted 75 women from different ethnic or social backgrounds. (displaced women, migrants, residents). in 5 communities in northern and eastern Aleppo. With an average of 15 active women in each region.

The 16-hour course included the circulation of theoretical principles and concepts of conflict management. As well as the dissemination of a culture of conflict management by trainees in their social circles. To benefit positively from the diversity of societies after displacement. And according to the organization, the exercises will not just depend on the theoretical side. But will be followed by a package of workshops. To promote knowledge and practical application, in turn, reflected in the community.

The Women Empowerment and Empowerment Unit. Is a new civil society organization in the north of Syria. Working to empower women to participate effectively in the community. Within the principles of support-empowerment-participation.

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