Empowering Women to Have their Role in The Negotiation Process

A workshop lasted for four days launched by Local Administration council Unit in Muraat al nouman. In cooperation with Syrian Women Gather. The workshop discussed activating the local council role in the negotiations process and women participating in it.

The workshop supervised by Huda Srjawi. – The women office manager in Muraat al nouman local council. And attended by a number of women as representatives from local councils in the city. Along with civil rights activists and representatives of civil society organizations. The workshop included a show of the political process in Syria since the beginning of the revolution in 2011 until the present time. Including international conferences such as the Geneva conference in its nine sessions. Along with Astana and Sochi meetings and its negotiation process.

The aim of this workshop as Srjawi said is raising political awareness among women. Especially that we are approaching the stage that might be full of political benefits. As political transition and drafting the constitution.

“we discussed through the workshop the constitution basket in detail for its importance in this stage. Besides to election basket, the government, and decentralization, and we closed the training by explaining the concept of communication.” Srjawi said.

This workshop considered as the second stage in raising the political awareness process. Where a training workshop was held in mid of 2018 as the first stage. This workshop will be followed by several other pieces of training to include a larger number from local councils. And work on suggested communication mechanism between local councils and negotiating bodies.

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