Enabling Small and Medium projects Role in Economic Development

Faculty of Economics at “International Sham University” conducted a training workshop entitled Small and medium projects management”. The workshop managed by DR. Oukba Alissa a teacher in the management department at the university and DR. Yasser Alhasan the dean of the faculty of economics. The workshop attended by a number of students and faculty cadres.

The workshop aimed to help the trainee to determine the suitable and achievable project. The workshop included three topics. The first was a preparation to start the project, the second included project implementation. And the third was project management.

Part of the workshop

At the end of the workshop, the trainee’s could evaluate his\her strength and weak points and determine the opportunities and threats. Besides providing the trainees with the tools that can enhance his\her skills. On the technical side, the trainees got the abilities to develop a small project. And prepare a full study for the chosen project after providing them with the management and marketing tools to run the project.

The main importance of the workshop came after the revolution and the brutal response from the regime in the areas that stood against it. ِAnd the diffusion of the relief organizations in revolution areas. This phenomenon caused an economic problem for society.  The workshop came to reduce this phenomenon effect. By raising the awareness about the importance of establishing small and medium projects. To generates income and enrich them from presented aids from relief organizations.

Part of the workshop

The small projects considered as the basic foundation in economic development. As the small projects form almost 75% from advanced economics size. Along with the small project’s role in achieving social justice and reducing unemployment. And enhance individual abilities and skills and achieve the personal ambition for individuals  

International Sham University is a scientific institution. With legal independent personality established in 2015 in Syria.

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