Female Youth Fingerprint

Sham Association in cooperation with Mercy with No Limits organization launched a training project. The project lasted for three months. As part of  “Youth Fingerprint” club activities. The project targeted dropped out girls school.

Ms. Mahasen Mustafa – executive director of Sham Association. -“The project’s training aims to develop communication skills, leadership, and life for girls. To enable them on engagement and community participation”.

The first activity of the project was three days training under named “Self-discovery’’. The activity targeted girls from 11-18 years old. And included many axes. The most important one was self-discovery, exploiting strength along with self-awareness. “The importance of this training is in its necessity. Especially for dropped out girls. To help them in their family and social life”. Mahasen Mustafa. The activity attended by 20 girls.

Also the project included training about “The importance of social relations” for the female youth. And the relations choosing and maintaining criteria. The training targeted the female youth between 11 – 16 years old and lasted for 3 days.

Sham association is a Syrian local association. Founded in 2016. Aims to fill part of the educational gap in the society. Beside women empowerment.

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