First Syrian Tribes Council Meeting

First constituent conference for Syrian Tribes and Clans Council held in Sajo in Aleppo. 125 tribe participated in the conference in end of December 2018

The conference included the nobles and representatives from all tribes. From different affiliations Arabs, Turkmens, Kurds, Syriac, and others. Along with political leaders from The National Coalition of the Revolutionary forces. Besides the Syrian opposition and representatives of civil bodies and organizations.

First Syrian Tribes Council Meeting2

The representatives highlighted the historical role of the tribes. And assured through several speeches on the importance of restoring their role on preserving the Syrian social fabric. And working on returning to the political life after the Syrian regime had neutralized it since they took over the power.

The conference also emphasized the role of the Syrian tribal council in achieving civil peace. And contributing to establishing the rules of social stability. And agreed that the council should have representatives inside national coalition of the revolutionary forces.

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