From Darkness to light

After liberating the Dabiq village and the whole Aleppo suburbs from ISIS terrorist group. Life started to go back to normal gradually. At the end of 2016 and after from evacuating all ISIS forces from the village. Dabiq cultural forum was launched, focusing on youth issues in the village. The forum started with a huge tent and humble utilities. The forum targeted the youth and started with language and vocational courses.

The next part of your essay outline focuses in your most significant arguments. Expository documents may include distinct approaches, including classification or cause-and-impact. Your satirical article will make additional brownie points with a suitable title. This list deals with a number of the straightforward to write article issues.

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An article might be a representation of the writer’s views and individual worth, determined within the kind of the story. The thesis statement should discuss the key idea which you’re going to provide in your essay. It also need to include a thesis declaration, which can be really a word stating his or her perspective of the narrative. Don’t forget to follow the particular sequence of explanation in the system of your own composition as stated in your thesis statement.

Lately, the forum announced the formation of “We Got The goodwill”. The team works on the issues of people with special needs. The team launched a work plan targeted people with special needs, and works on teaching and training them in the center. In addition to home courses for the people who couldn’t come to the center. The center included education, health, and psychological care, entertainment and capacity building.

In Mid-February the center conducted a ceremony. The ceremony included distributing certificates for more than 55 women. Those women attended 2 months of training courses. The courses covered, Turkish language, English language, and conflict management.

The forum aims to fill the educational gap and the ignorance the village suffered during ISIS presence. Also, aims to empower woman in the community. Through providing her with the education she needs. Besides supporting her to be able to take part in the political process in the area.

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