Launching a Scout Team in Northern Aleppo

Spring of Life Association launched "scouts" project. As a new method in education through practical application. The project came as a part of the association work in the intensive educational field. And integrating the educational process with entertaining activities. To make it easy to absorb away from the rigid theories.

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The project started in November in northern Aleppo suburbs. And targeted 100 children. Scouts project included intensive sports programs aimed to build the body balance. Besides organic food programs. The aim of the program was introducing the scooters into the organic food and the production process in reality. Without neglecting the entertainment part. The project included games, competitions, climbing mountains, and crossing rivers.

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According to the association, the importance of the project is being a practical application to the theoretical lessons. Delivers the information to students in an easy fun way. The educational team also keen through this project to reach an open mind generation who can find a solution by itself.

Launching a Scouter Team in Northern Aleppo2

Spring of life association is an independent humanitarian association. Founded in Eastern Ghouta early 2013. Works in child protection and women empowerment field.

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