Maaret AlNouman Local Council Election

Starting on the 5th of December until the 20th of December. Candidates are welcome to apply for Maaret AlNouman local council election. Under the supervision of the election committee which is responsible for forming the council in the city.

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The committee was formed at the end of the mandate of the previous council. Which lasted for one year. Yaman Al Hamo said the chief of the committee explained the candidacy process. "It depends on the council offices and the candidates' competence and qualifications. But all the candidates required to have a university or intermediate institutions degree.  And to be resident of the city. Besides to biography and good moral."

The council election process is done by an elector assembly consisted of 500 members. From the internal cadres of the local administration ministry in the Syrian interim government. The assembly represents all the social sectors in the city. Including women with 50 seats within the assembly.

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The estimated date of the elections if all vacancies were completed, is January 5th, 2019. The elections will be supervised by a private committee composed of human rights association. Besides the provincial council and the local administration department.

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