Memorial Stand for Aleppo’s Heritage

Ishrak Team for Development organized memorial stand in honor for Aleppo city’s heritage. And to ensure the rights of its citizen and to return. After they have been forcibly displaced by the regime forces in 2016.

Aleppo was registered in the UNESCO list as one of the oldest city for human heritage. For that Activists and displaced people and several media reports joined this stand. The stand included monuments paintings for the city. Along with quotation written by the city resident on the walls of their houses that describe the displacement bitterness they lived.

Aleppo city was the industrial capital of Syria. And an important economical and civilized axis. The regime forces supported by the Russian air forces and the Iranian militia launched at the end 2016 military campaign to retrieve the city from the opposites hands. The campaign caused tens of massacre against civilians. Along with more than 350 thousand civilian displaced. In 22 of December 2016.

Ishrak Team for Development is a voluntary team. Works in Aleppo western suburb. Focuses on women and child issues along with human development training.  

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