Mothers of Detainees The Unforgettable Suffering

The Day After Organization organized a dialogue session in the city of El-Bab in the Northen Aleppo suburbs. The theme of the session was "Mothers of Detainees". With the presence of a number of representatives of civil society organizations and local and revolutionary organizations and councils working in the city.

Mothers of Detainees The Unforgettable Suffering2

The session, which was in mid-October, dealt with the humanitarian situation. The suffering of the families of the detainees and their mothers in particular. Besides the difficulties faced while searching for detainees and tracking their news. The most important output was to emphasize the follow-up efforts in the field of counting detainees and their families. And provide special programs for them as a group in need of support by humanitarian and relief organizations. And work to form an association of mothers of detainees and support it to be effective.

The session considered the most important stage of the "Mothers of Detainees" campaign. This campaign launched by the next day and aims to advocate and mobilizing the mothers and wives of detainees and provide maximum support to families of detainees.

Mothers of Detainees The Unforgettable Suffering

"We started the campaign in August by giving a week to highlight the file of the detainees who were absent at the local organizations and councils. Followed by questionnaires describe the reality of the detainees' families and their needs. And to the symposium that ended with outputs will be worked on successively”. said Rami Mustafa. The communication officer for the Next day organization in Aleppo suburbs.

The Day After is a Syrian civil organization founded in 2011. On the basis of a working paper for a number of Syrian figures representing the revolutionary movement in all its facets. And started its work in 2012 focusing on issues of rule of law and transitional justice, constitutional reforms and preserving the unity of Syria and its cultural tradition.

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