New Day Center A Success Story May Comes to its End

"When I first started my work in the center. I was responsible about a child who had autism spectrum in a very severe degree. He was isolated, aggressive and had a sensory and visual communication disorder. His mother suffered from psychological disorders while trying to integrate him with his siblings. After diagnosing the case and planning the treatment for him. The plan implemented at home and in the center. We were able to achieve a great success. The child became more responding and more attached. Along with changes in some of his behaviors and negative habits he had. This was one of the success ٍstories that we were proud to achieve in the center." Hala Halak _ psychological support department manager in New Day center.
In Kafranabel city, and southern Idlib province. with population up to 400 thousand inhabitants. A group of volunteers established in March 2018. New Day Care Center for children with special needs.
The center with a voluntary cadres consists of 23 people including a psychiatrist and a pediatrician. Serves children with mental or physical disorders. Through a hierarchical process begins by diagnosing the condition by the center specialist Dr. Ahmed Al Bayoush. The prescribing the proper medication if needed. After that transfer it to the case management department. to implement a treatment plan in coordination with the responsible supervisor.
The cases at the center are distributed to four sections. The first is the autism section. Now includes 18 cases and provides physiological, intellectual and recreational support. For children with autism. Ms. Halak- defined autism as a disorder in the growth of the nerve system of the human. Effects in a severe way on the brain evolution functions on three major functions. Such as communication, language, and imagination ability. this appears in the first three years of the child's life. The mother of Omar Alhaj Ahmed one of the center cases said. "My child suffers from autism and has been in New Day center for seven months. I thank god that he improved a lot after the pieces of training he got. And I wish that the center continues in providing its free services"
New Day Center A Success story may comes to its end2
The second section is Downs syndrome department. Provides care for 16 children suffers from the syndrome. Downs syndrome is a congenital disorder occurs as a result of an extra chromosome in the body cells. Causes different levels of mental disability and physical imbalance.
Jinan Ismail mother of one of the children in the center said. "My child was not speaking. But after receiving the free treatment in the center, her condition improved a lot and she can stand and walk a few steps. I wish the center will remain open because we cannot afford the private treatment expenses. Where the session costs 1500 Syrian pound at least.’’
The third section is the physiotherapy department. The department activated in the cooperation with Peace association in Kfarouma. Peace Association provides the center with the necessary devices for the physiotherapy. The department provides its services for 23 children in need of limb treatment.
Finally, case management and psychological support department. The department's cadre does tours on the children houses as the link between the center and the parents. And they train the parents to follow up the children treatment at home.
New Day center serves 55 children daily. And the numbers are decreasing after a big increase in the early days of the opening. As it was the only destination for the children with mental disorders in Idlib province. And due to lack of transportation provided by the center. To transfer the cases with their families in remote areas. And mainly the lack of support and adoption by any governmental side as Directorate of Health in Idlib province. Or any civil organization either international or local. According to Ahmed Al Bayoush- the center manager. "The new arriving cases caused by Eastern Ghoutta displacement wave broke our heart. And motivated some of the private efforts to support the center till the end of 2018. And that after many time we sadly had to close the center after our commitment to the humanitarian duty towards sick children. Only due to lack of support.’’
New Day Center could be forced to close its doors to receiving any new cases at the end of 2018. As there are no new ways to fund the basic needs of the center.

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