Political Dialogue “The latest political developments in the Syrian revolution”

Future Vision Organization in Maarat al-Numaan city southern suburbs of Idlib. Organized a political dialogue seminar named. "The latest political developments in the Syrian revolution". Aimed to create a certain level of political awareness in the Syrian society. Besides informing the activists and civil organizations about political affairs.

Political Dialogue The latest political developments in the Syrian revolution1

The four-hour seminar, attended by 20 people including 6 women.  And supervised by Mr. Tawfiq Sayadi. The seminar discussed the terms of the Sochi Agreement, events, and facts that led to it, and the changes and the region fate after the agreement.

The seminar was the first of its kind according to the organization. Which seeks to continue the establishment of such activities, lectures or seminars and public meetings on a weekly basis.

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Future Vision is a non-governmental. Non-profit organization. Works in community empowerment, including women and children, support.

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