Raising the Political Awareness at Sinjar Camp

Damma Organization conducted political educational session for Women in Sinjar camp. In coordination with women's office in the local council of Ma'rat misrin. Aimed to raise awareness and political culture.

The two days sessions targeted forced displaced women. Besides women working in the education sector. These sessions conducted within the framework of the political literacy project. The project supervised by the organization and has reached 202 women.


The sessions included a seminar managed by Ms. Sara Alloush - Diploma of political science- on CEDAW. The first day of the seminar explained the agreement of Cedaw committee and Bejing Declaration,  besides UN resolution 1325 and the document against violence against women 1820 . In addition to the most important political terms and concepts. As of federalism, confederation, democracy and the constitution.

Damma is a women's civil society organization. Founded in 2011. Working towards a community change that achieves peace, justice, and participation.

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