Samira Khalil Youth Project in Aleppo

Suryana Alamal Team launched “Samira al Khalil” project in Aleppo suburbs. The project aimed to find youth-friendly spaces. To provide them with the necessary experiences and knowledge. Within three basic topics: awareness, participation, and forum.

Within the “awareness” topic. The project focused on plenty of training which aimed to build some solid skills for the youth. Such as digital security, office skills, teaching foreign languages and principles of photography. Along with soft skills. Such as communication, self-presentation, and leadership and community participation skills.

As for participation topic. The project also, organized group of interactive activities presented by young men and women. To provide a space for youth to share experiences and skills with each other. Besides organizing sessions to study youth issues and trying to present the decision makers.

The project also included establishing a library contains 200 books in various fields. And childcare room in an effort to reduce obstacles that prevent women from attending training and sessions.

Samira Khalil is a civil activist. She was arrested between 1987 and 1991 by the Syrian regime. And worked in during the revolution on the detainees and their families’ files. Along with small projects to empower Syrian women. She was forcibly disappeared with Razan Zaitouneh, Nazim Hamdy, and Wael Hamadeh by unknown parties in Ghota Damascus. On the December the ninth 2013.

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