Save The Rest

The Day After Organization in cooperation with lawyer’s association Aleppo branch. Launched dialogue Seminar about detained and enforced disappearance. And what the role of the institutions and individuals in advocating this issue. To influence the decision makers and policies to demand freedom and rights of detainees.

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The seminar attended by representatives of councils and civil society organizations. And included an explanation for the most important topics of international laws and conventions on the issue of enforced disappearance. Besides to mechanisms to prevent arrest and abduction in liberated areas to be as a role model.

This event came within the advocacy campaign launched by The Day After Organization in northern Syria. The campaign held the slogan ’’Save-the rest’’. Aimed to highlight the detainees' issue to work and push towards moving their file on inboard and outboard levels.

The Day After is a non-governmental organization. Started its work in 2012. Works on securing a peaceful and secure transition of power in Syria. And it focuses on the rule of law, transitional justice, constitutional and electoral reforms issues, and protection of the Syrian cultural heritage. And to keep Syria as a unified and generous country.

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