Seminar During the International Campaign for Eliminating the Violence Against Women

Within 16 days of the international campaign to eliminate violence against women. Syrian women’s association Launched a dialogue seminar about violence against women. The seminar held the slogan "Be your strength secret". At Wishes center in Kafaroum,Idlib.

Seminar during the International Campaign for Elimating the Violence Against Women1

The seminar supervised by Ms. Wadad Rahal. A human rights activist and Syrian Women's Association director. And attended by 35 women, included an overview of the 16-day campaign. Besides the forms of violence against Syrian women by the regime.

Ms. Rahal also presented the most important causes of violence against women in the local community. Starting from ignorance and backwardness or misunderstanding of religious legislation. in addition to satisfaction behavior and lack of deterrent laws.

Seminar during the International Campaign for Elimating the Violence Against Women2

The seminar also discussed the most important solution that will reduce violence. Such as working on to defeat the culture of marginalization of women. And to promote the women rights and social role. This would be done by spreading awareness on gender equality.

Syrian women’s association, founded in March 2018. Aims to empower, build the capacity and raising awareness in everything that matters the Syrian women.

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