Support Them & don’t deprive them of their Right to learn

Sadad Organization launched an educational campaign carried the slogan. "Support them and don’t deprive them of their right to learn".  The campaign started in mid-September with the beginning of the academic year in southern Idlib suburbs.

First campaign activities covered 300 kid in three schools at Kafrmous and Krmasa areas. The activities divided into two parts. The first is psychological and entertainment support for children. Through exercises that support the child's confidence and motivate him to attend school.   

The second part was an awareness seminar for the children parents. The Seminar discussed the importance of education and the role of the family in securing and protecting it.

Sadad's psychological protection and support team visited schools in the villages of Shorlin, Rasha, Fleifel, and Termala on 21-22 October. The visits aimed to continue the psychosocial support activities of the campaign. And to encourage children to attend schools the number of beneficiaries at this stage was 400 children.

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