The Butterfly Effect

19 young women interests met in Muaret Masrin city in Idlib. They founded “Excellence Volunteer Team” earlier in 2017. By establishing a summer educational institution for kids. After what the problems they found in the educational process. Besides the war, and displacement and their reflections the region faced in the last years. These circumstances led to a large number of drooped out students and to an aversion from education.

The institution served around 80 kids. After the team got licensed by the local council under the name “Excellence Association”.  To provide children with basic scientific studies in a modern and fun way. As an attempt to persuade them and refresh the love of knowledge in them.

“We decided to expand the project and fulfill the cultural side in the youth as well. We established a library in one of the institute rooms under the name Butterfly Effect. We used the war boxes after rehabilitating it and paint it. Along with wall paintings, we draw ourselves. Then we collected as many as we can from private books by volunteers girls. Also, we collected small donations to copy some books to have nearly 100 books to activate the library”. Said Alaa Alam – archiving responsible in butterfly impact library.

The team girls, who are university students with no financial income. Their ambition did not stop. They kept their efforts in expanding the project by launching an online campaign to collect books from outside Syria. With the help of individual efforts in Turkey, they were able to get 250 books in different sectors. To enrich their library.

After this notable effort. They became beneficiaries from “Al Amen Organization” services and Tatweer Program for supporting voluntary committees in Northern Syrian. They could rent and equip a center to become the library headquarter.

The current Butterfly effect Library headquarters divided into library room, reading room and a room for the management. With the opportunity to borrow books. “We used the extra room to attract children by providing enjoyable atmosphere through educational and recreational games. The children will be able to play and have fun after each child of them read a story every week. As we seek and work now on expanding the book’s stock for our targeted children. so we didn’t expect the attendance will be intensive this much”.  Said: Alaa Alam.

175 lady and 117 children benefited from the library services only in the mid of last December. The volunteer team seeks to enrich the library credit with valuable books and scientific references constantly. They aspire to establish a mobile library to deliver reading cultural to different centers and schools in Northern Syria. As they welcome in their library any effort that can raise the educational and cultural level in the society.

With their simple potentials and the will of development and participation in raising the society level. They gathered and launched, their next month initiative targeting the children. To support them scientifically, culturally and ethically. “As usual we will collect the initiative equipment’s and its expenses from our team”. Said – Alaa Alam – Whom finished her talk with us. “We started as 19 female volunteers and now we are 16 volunteers after two years of working. Steadfast”.

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