Anti-extremist Centers – Aleppo

The end of 2014, ISIS was controlling a huge part of the Syrian land. During this time the terrorist group worked on enforcing its ideology in the land they control. 

And after ISIS defeated in Northern Aleppo. Civil society activists always working on removing the impact of the extreme ideologies that ISIS worked to spread.

The Syrian Center for Anti-extremist2
The Syrian Center for Anti-extremist1

The Syrian Center for Anti-extremist is operating in Maree, Northern Aleppo. And working on rehabilitation of its residents who were connected to ISIS. The rehabilitation program includes a daily lesson on the psychosocial support and international law.

At the end of the program, residents are subject to a general assessment. After that, the center will transfer the assessment and the resident papers to the judicial bodies. Taking into consideration monitoring and follow up on the cases. To evaluate their integration level with their society.

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