You Are Where Your Effect Is

As part of its objective to empower women and working to reduce the gender gap in the Syrian community. Souryana Alamal Team launched “You are where your effect is” project in Aleppo. The project started in September 2019 and will finish end of February 2019.

The project aims to empower women participation in society. And advocate all her issues and work on building a wide communication network includes women from different segments. To form virtual structure proves their presence and works on delivering their voices to society. Therefore the project will contribute to make a difference in individuals approaches. And achieve gender balance in society. Also, it will contribute to developing feminine issues and advocate for them. To convert it from issues concern women to issues concern society as all where it should be.

Volunteer Activity – Graffiti

To achieve that, Suoryana Alamal Team conducted discussion sessions for 2 months between 15 leaders women to exchange their experiences. And other discussion sessions between 15 women who are not interested in community participation. To encourage them to have their natural place in community participation. After that discussions sessions between the two groups were conducted. In addition to volunteer activities as 10 women from Aleppo Northern suburb (Albab city) launched volunteer campaign included graffiti drawing aimed to spread volunteer work cultural and encourage other women on participation.

The project reached several regions in Aleppo province. Though mobile carnival. The Carnaval reached western Aleppo suburb (Alatareb -Batbo). And Aleppo northern suburbs (Albab). The impact of the activities was positive as it’s the first experience from this kind and the experiences will be exchanged in liberated areas. To strength women participation and present their experiences and achievements. Also, the expected project results will contribute to enhancing general communication and inform all society segments about women experiences and their success stories. And highlighting the difficulties they faced. To give the women their natural position and rights to participate in social development. Besides to strengthen volunteer cultural in women by describing it as women appearance gate and to encourage other women on social participation.

Volunteer Activity – Graffiti

As for the reason for naming this project is that women within running conflict despite all its negative impacts. Women can create trial for themselves within an unhealthy working environment. And some of it is nonsupport and factors can minimize from women efficiency especially women who experienced displacement and had to work in another atmosphere.

Suryana Alamal team is a youth team started early 2015 with the effort of 12 male and female youth in Ezazz city Northern Aleppo caused by the need to activate the male and female youth in society and believing from us and supporting the issues that face society individuals we worked on activate participation in society through this team.

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