“Youth Citizens Club” Empowering Youth in Aleppo

Kesh Malek Organization launched "Youth Citizens Club" at  A Country's Identity Centres in Aleppo. The first phase is trainings for youth from both genders. The trainings included small project suggestion workshop, advocacy, and community participation.


The trainings aim to increase skills for the youth in the club to enable them to influence the community effectively through their advocacy camping. And promote their access to decision-makers like local councils and the active civil organizations.

The participants in the club choose three advocacy camping through the trainings to be implemented. The campaigns are about girls’ education and early marriage. Each group in one area from three areas.

Kesh Malek Organization seeks through youth citizens club to create a generation aware of his rights and duties in the society. and creates space for Youth to discuss their problems and find the proper solutions for it. After that Kesh Malek works with them to reach these solutions.


Kesh Malek is a Non-governmental Non-profit CSO that was established as part of the Syria revolution non-violence movement in late 2011. Kesh Malek work in three areas: Advocacy, Education and community and cultural centers. Their activities inside Syria take place in the province of Aleppo, and their advocacy work has successfully targeted Syrians inside and outside Syria and the wider international community

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