Youth Empowerment as part of Community Development

Within its community development program, Space of Hope Organization launched Hazim project. The project started in October 2018 and still running until now. The project aims to provide pieces of training for the youth in general. Besides focusing on the displaced youth. During the last three months, the project reached 3200 form the youth. The pieces of training provided them with the skill which will qualify them to be part of the job market. Two of the trainees are now employees with Space of Hope organization. While the organization working on finding suitable job opportunities for the rest of the trainees.

Part of Male Training

“The project objective is to empower the youth. Mobile training teams are targeting the youth between 15 – 24 years. By providing several pieces of training. Such as first aid, monitoring and evaluation, and TOT (training of trainers). We aim by this project to provide the youth with the skills that will help them to find suitable job opportunities. We tried to reach the maximum numbers of female and male youth participants. During the past 5 months, we reached 4000 female and male youths. The project covered the geographic areas of Idlib suburbs and we are working to reach more areas in the upcoming days. And we are working to find job opportunities for the outstanding participants either with Scope of Hope Organization or with others.” Said Mr. Tawfik Ashater. The Project Coordinator.

Scope of Hope is a civil society organization. Founded in Aleppo in July 2012.   

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